The Hasbrouck Heights resident has deep community connections and brings valuable leadership and nonprofit experience from his involvement with various…
Bergen Performing Arts Center has announced the appointment of Alexander Diaz as the new Executive Director leading the organization to the future. Diaz…
Just offering classes is not enough to truly deliver on bergenPAC’s mission to make live performing arts and arts education more accessible to everyone…
The Performing Arts School at bergenPAC teamed up with Englewood Health to help promote the value in getting vaccinated against COVD-19 to local teens. …
Frank Huttle III, Founder of the Bergen Performing Arts Center Board of Trustees, is proud to announce that Robert Cook will serve as Board Chairman for…
bergenPAC is proud to announce that its Sunset Drive-In Concert Series is being extended into September with three more performances. Residents are invited…
Despite the incredible challenges brought on by COVID-19, our historic, nonprofit performing arts center is still determined to serve as your home for…
Live music returns to Bergen County! Bringing people together with the joy of live performing arts is what makes bergenPAC such an important part of the…
After a successful launch of its online instruction, The Performing Arts School at bergenPAC is excited to soon expand its offerings, including its renowned…
Bergen Performing Arts Center launched a partnership with the Westfield Garden State Plaza to present free family events a year ago, kicking it off on…
Costume designers play their part in theater by helping actors better inhabit their roles on stage. When the coronavirus pandemic hit the region, a group…
Collaboration with the FBI-Newark Division, FBI Newark Citizens Academy Alumni Association, and bergenPAC uses music and experts to raise awareness of…
The Intermezzo Art Gallery at bergenPAC was permanently re-named the Sandy Bennett Art Gallery in honor and memory of long-time devotee Sandy Bennett,…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum, urna eu faucibus mollis, arcu nulla dignissim mi, eu bibendum nibh dolor at tortor.…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum, urna eu faucibus mollis, arcu nulla dignissim mi, eu bibendum nibh dolor at tortor.…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum, urna eu faucibus mollis, arcu nulla dignissim mi, eu bibendum nibh dolor at tortor.…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum, urna eu faucibus mollis, arcu nulla dignissim mi, eu bibendum nibh dolor at tortor.…
Look for Indian Cultural Initiative classes as part of The Performing Arts School at bergenPAC fall schedule, registering now! Visit,…
(Englewood, NJ, June 18, 2015) On June 1, 2015, bergenPAC located at 30 North Van Brunt Street in Englewood, NJ was the venue for a professional performance…
bergenPAC and Dr. Hetal Gor present a Fundraiser for the victims of the Nepal Earthquake: Qawwali Sufi with performances by Fariz Aya and Abu Mohammed,…