Sandy Bennett Art Gallery Celebrates the Fine Arts
While the word “performing” is centered in its name, bergenPAC’s mission is to make all forms of art more accessible to the community. As part of that, The Sandy Bennett Art Gallery features a different visual artist each month – many from Bergen County.
The gallery was named for former bergenPAC staffer Sandy Bennett in 2016 after her passing. She was a passionate artist herself and loved to curate the gallery from the time bergenPAC first opened.
The gallery is now curated by Helene Cohen, who continues to emphasize bringing in artists of all ages and backgrounds. She also hosts a meet-the-artist reception so the public can hear more about the work. Located on the mezzanine level of the theater, many of the exhibited pieces in the gallery are for sale with 30% of the proceeds supporting bergenPAC’s nonprofit mission.
One particularly popular exhibition is The Teaneck Camera Club. Founded in 1943, it’s the second oldest camera club in the state and has nearly 100 members, ranging in age from 12 to 90. Some members are professional photographers shooting portraits, weddings, concerts and sporting events, while others venture outdoors on the weekends to capture flowers, street people or cityscapes.
Another annual highlight comes from bergenPAC’s house photographer Jeremy Lebled, as he displays his favorite shots from that year’s concerts.
“I feel most alive the moment the lights go down. The stage is pitch-black, and the show is about to start,” Jeremy said. “It’s the most exciting feeling in the world.”
A variety of painters have also filled the gallery. Bergen County resident Ellen Reinkraut, who has pieces included in permanent museum and gallery collections, displayed her work last summer.
“My paintings focus on the layering of symbols, brush work and color. The images are expressive, deeply personal and have a loose improvisational spirit,” Reinkraut says.
Englewood artist THE JAHZ also presented his “ANIME EXHIBIT,” showing his take on the popular Japanese animation art style.
A couple visiting artists from South Korea have also been featured over the last few years. The different styles exhibited in the gallery compliment the diversity of the region, which is an important element of bergenPAC’s mission.
While the gallery is temporarily closed, upcoming featured artists will be listed here.